Thursday, October 2, 2014

Blog Post #7

How Do We All Become Leaners?

After watching these videos, I am blown away by the technology use in the classroom in today's elementary schools. Not only are the programs complex, but the students are able to use these programs with ease. Even kindergartners are using iPads to make web charts and use search engines to research! I am a little wary about all the technology in the classroom with such young students, because I grew up with paper and pencils and craft time, not computer time. I do love technology though, and have many strengths when it comes to technology. I have had a Mac computer since I was a senior in high school, and can easily navigate a Mac. I also can pick things up rather quickly, but some of the programs Dr. Strange has me doing in EDM310 is a little bit difficult. I am new to Google Drive, and it took me a couple weeks to finally get the hang of working through this. I believe that I will need to explore more of the different kinds of programs used in the classroom in order for me to effectively use them as a teacher. I do see myself using Project Based Learning in my classroom, and hopefully I will be able to master the technology being used and work through my weaknesses.

Project #7


  1. Hi Sarah,
    I was also blown away by what kids are doing in the classroom these days. It's just one of those things that may seem a little crazy now, but we must embrace it because it is the way of future education! Your weaknesses are easily understandable, and I'm glad you have such a positive attitude in overcoming them. I only caught just a few grammatical mistakes and one error in punctuation, and your thoughts are nicely organized. I would only suggest a little more elaboration on what each video is about. Nice work.
    --Heather Howton

  2. "...some of the programs Dr. Strange has me doing in EDM310 is a little bit difficult. " Not for the kids you will be teaching!

    "...hopefully I will be able to master the technology being used and work through my weaknesses." What do you think it will take to accomplish that?
